A Message from Rayne Blackwood

Born of Blood
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Citizens of the World,
We come before you not as monsters or angels, but as equals. We hope that in this glorious age of tolerance you are able to accept us, to coexist with us, and to welcome the knowledge of our existence.

For centuries we have walked among you. There have been whispers, stories, and endless conjecture regarding our kind. Yet we remained in the shadows. The whispers faded and we fell into the realm of myths. Never have you discovered our existence, nor would you had we not chosen to come forward. The simple truth, my friends, is that we wish to step out of the darkness and though we may first blink or even squint, we wish to walk freely in the light. We do not wish to hide any longer. As citizens of this magnificent planet, we wish to take our place in it.

There are misconceptions about our kind and I would like to put your mind to rest about them. First and most importantly is our need for blood. This is true. However, we have strict laws in place (and have for hundreds of years) that dictates where that blood comes from. It is true that we cannot consume animal blood to sustain ourselves any more than a human might receive animal blood in a transplant. We are simply incompatible. But all Conclave vampires are required to maintain a diet of donated blood. Yes, we own many blood banks and use these to sustain ourselves. According to our laws, any vampire found in violation of that requirement is executed. We have the utmost respect for the sanctity of life.

As for the rumors regarding things like sunlight, running water, and garlic, these are pure fabrications. While we do have our vulnerabilities, those are not among them. We do not age physically, though we are far from immortal. I assure that there is no such thing as true immortality. Everything that lives can and will somehow, at some time, die.

The vampires are governed by the sovereign laws of Conclave, an ancient ruling body that acts as both protectors and enforcers to the vampire community. As human laws are not, as yet, equipped to deal with vampires, we retain this sovereignty with the understanding that we will also be responsible for obeying the laws of the land in which we live, just as humans do.

It is only natural to fear the unknown and we realize that Hollywood has perpetuated stereotypes that have only reinforced these fears, but we offer you this solemn pledge; we come in peace. We hope you will join us in moving forward, joined in the bonds of humanity and basic liberties, into a new era where vampires and humans coexist in peace. Please put aside old grudges und unfounded fears and take the time to discover our true nature. This wish, we lay at your feet.

Yours in Good Faith,

Rayne Blackwood