Visit the Halloween Horror Party for More Prizes and Fun!

The theme of this spooktacular blog hop is:      
What Scares You?

To get this blog hop kick-started, here's a spook-fession from Thomas Sullivan, Pulitzer-nominated author of Born Burning and Case White:

Heights scare me! We’re talking 1 inch above sea level. Easiest way to undo evolution and prove humans are really quadrupeds is to put me up on a roof. Instant all fours! I mean, I’ll get up there and do what I have to do, but I hate every second of it. I’m like a fly crawling around over shingles. I mean don’t people have any imagination? All that space between you and the ground? Splat! Yeah, good ol’ terra firma. I want to be on top of it (not under it). Trick-or-treat! 

Sign up for the blog hop below the rafflecopter! Remember, you can be both a blogger and enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win doubly big!

The Halloween Horror Party!

Guests have begun arriving and the party favors are popping in anticipation of the main event, the let's win a paperwhite kindle by attending the blog hop and commenting on our favorite blogs! The blog hop takes place on October 31st. You better make an appearance early as you never know what might happen on All Hallows Eve. Secret and random drawings from participants may result in squeals of delight rather than horror--at least for a moment! Don't miss out on the fun. Click the banner below!

 Click to attend party now!
Click to Attend!
